Is Health Insurance on Your Back-to-School Checklist? | Kids Out and About Ft. Worth

Is Health Insurance on Your Back-to-School Checklist?


There’s no reason your child has to go back to school uninsured

September 1, 2010, Rochester, NY – In addition to notebooks, pencils and backpacks, your back-to-school checklist may include one very important item: health insurance for your child. “Fortunately, there is no reason your child should go back to school without health coverage, especially given all the shots and physicals needed this time of year,” said Robert Thompson, vice president of government programs, Excellus BlueCross BlueShield. Uninsured children and their parents may be eligible for coverage through one of the discounted government health insurance programs offered through Excellus BCBS. Eligibility is based upon a family’s monthly income and number of people in the household. To see if you or your child qualifies for discounted insurance or to make an appointment with an Excellus BCBS representative, call (800) 716-4885. For eligibility rules, go to


    Children ages 6 through 18 years of age in a family of four, for example, quality for Medicaid if their family’s net monthly income is at or under $1,838. Income requirements are higher for younger children. Families will not pay a premium for their child’s Medicaid insurance.

Child Health Plus

    Families will either pay no premium, a premium ranging from $9 to $60 per child per month, or the full premium. A family of four with a gross monthly income of $6,432, for example, would pay $45 per child per month.

Family Health Plus

    For adults ages 19 to 64 whose income is too high to qualify for Medicaid. An adult in a family of four, for example, qualifies if their family’s gross monthly income does not exceed $2,757.


© 2010, Excellus BlueCross BlueShield
